The body of holy-sore | Nursing times
Nurses have to do things about the weather for first change “
Dr Pamela Cipriano, ICN’s president, called nursing, tactics, and worldwide governments serve as quickly when making the freedom of the weather.
Pamela Cipriano
The revised state of weather change, ICN reminds one “SOULO” SOURTHA Health “Health Personalities.
This term has been done after the day of life in the 29 of the parties of The perfect international convention meeting the state of change, known as com-9.
The event is still held in Azerbaijani this month and will see all the world leaders meet and discuss the weather change and solutions to it.
Nurses, The ICN said, must be a Quepla and changes in rules and reports that will help reduce development and impact on the weather change.
This includes ridicule to changes in their organizations, as from the fully rehabilitation power; Working in their villages asking for transport changes that will reduce carbirth; Governor mix with industry to reduce the Green Green Green Green Suggestion.
In here, the small to learn, their peers, and the next generation of the weather and its effect in life.
The organization also visits nurses worldwide to fully pay attention to the weather in heaven with groups like women; ICN explained the weather distraction as “neutral”.
Polelo ea Icn e boletse kamano e haufi pakeng tsa phetoho ea maemo a leholimo, e bua ka ho khetheha liketsahalong tsa leholimo, lirosa le likhohola tsa motlakase, ho fallisoang le bophelo ba kelello le bophelo ba kelello le bophelo ba kelello le bophelo ba kelello le bophelo ba kelello le bophelo ba kelello le bophelo ba kelello.
Dr Cipriano says:
He said: “The nurses have understood the connections between the weather and the world’s health, willing to live in work, trusting in the community in their communities.
“This means that they are in a position to make changes that are important in human life and planet life.
“We have to make nurses to make nurses accept the weather and tension of nursing nurses and raising worldly wage nurses.”
The ICN status statement also has made a series of nursing organizations and world governments.
Associations were asked to support their mission to reduce the change in circumstances and flexibility.
Recommended Makisi Representatives interrupted by developing plans to produce weather subjects, entered investigating in the weather, to help someone to live on the matter and helps the balance of health.
Governments, while still called, was called at once confirmed a series of climate change in the worldwide change.
All should verify Paris Agreement “without more delay”, ICN said. This agreement, based on 2015 during a comma1, it was to stop the earth’s temperature twice in any industrial state.
ICN says governments must be committed to the world treaties with grease and reducing methane.
Furthermore, ICN is carved to implement printing plans for the plastic plan for a plastic, growing a spiritual food and social life searches.
Dr Cipriano added that the “Mocumum” received by approval, working well last year, life was in the middle of the sky must be kept.
“There is no time to lose the loss of a situation and health, including support and stabilizing when we can do for our future.”
More than stabilizing and nurses
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